may God bless us. go go limeBi!! +)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
to a greatestfriend of mine - i'm deeply sorry for my drawback-stupid-wrong act towards you all this while. im turning over a new leaf. maybe i won't promise you the moon but at least give me a chance to have the moonlight for you..
to a bestestfriend of mine - i owe you thousands apologies of mine for all the wrongdoings. it was rather far from my intention to run you so much in trouble. i have no idea that this would happen. i knew, there's nothing left for a quick fix. i take the blame. im sorry that all i can do is just sorry..
to mama - i have been always in this way that i felt so bad being me. sorry that i can hardly put my ears on your words. maybe someday, time would change everything and so do i..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
instead, we end up wandering aimlessly around the town on foot.
extremely caught by the giant 'spotlight'.
and we're now fully baked!
Monday, September 21, 2009
life expectancy
finally, the dreadful TRIAL was over. only God knows how i was locked in a mortal-combat for the last 3 weeks.
fortunately, im still alive though badly bruised by the defeat.
obviously, im not ready for the 'big day of being me' - Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.
barely conscious i guess.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
in memory
perginya dia, hilangnya dia bukan sementara
hanya 'di sana' jua bersua kita akhirnya.
kepada Allahyarhammah Nur Izzati Bt Anuar
bahawa kita sebenarnya pernah tahu akan masing-masing
doa saya, damailah sentiasa di alam sana.."
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
lee's study group
fairly ODD for people like me. but yeah.
undeniably a true story, people!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
death knell
4 more absolute days to go for mid term.
*deep sigh*
i should bother to study right now.
but you know, when random things divert your attention away
from what you are actually up to.
life's too much demand, i shall say.
perhaps, im the one with all that thousand-and-one groan of despair?
nahh. let's just blow the thought.
oh, i almost lost the point here.
school days are FUN when you, yourself are.
so, this is a note to self - let's have FUN!
'you better watch out with the grades'
apparently mother starts her grumbling over there.......
last but never least
Friday, May 1, 2009
it's a charity
i can smell the summer scent
April was sooooooo hectic i might add.
should have another glance through the flashback :
- we had the Answering Skill after school period which practically made me stayback-ed for
for the whole week.
- more Answering Skill on WEEKENDS like 'oh ho hello principal!'
- Sports Day. sure, nothing to do with me but hey, im there supporting you guys! +P
- Malaysia Cergas. well, you know..............
- hemm.... H O M E W O R K S? you tell me.
eh, is that so? sounded not-that-hectic la..aiyaa.
fiuhh, mind you.
my other classmates are way more busier than that, throughout the month.
rarely to be seen in class.
drama, various competitions, things to do with prefect's, club and society, uniform unit blablabla.
result in an extra calm and empty classroom.
its kinda odd. weirdly odd. i guess.
well, it's good that they are active in both academic and curricular activities.
and me...dangerously passive. T.T
oh wait. ALERT!!
Mid-term is in two weeks.
err. should i put a rope around my neck?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
sport's day as always, is a capacity crowd.
Media Journalism Club had their own stall and it was awesome!
the way the did works together, served the customers, raised fund for unfortunate kids etc.
like WOW! big hand for you guys!
oh btw,
congrats to LAKSAMANA for winning the trophy for this year.
we rock baybeh! +D
PPi and Scouts too!
sarahsabrina : she drew
fatinathirah : she painted
wannurhidayah : she sighed
nurfahimah : she laughed
hatimkhadijah : she grumbled
sitiakilah : she bored
farhana : she slept
syeerasorhana : M. I. A
this is what we were basically did during the BM Answering Skill last week.
all in all,
BRAVO ! ^^
sabri lee
it's 12.50 am and my eyes still wide awake!
no way.
oh, i just got this combative spirit while doing all those mind-numbing calculation,
alone in the dead of night.
haha. doesn't it sounded a lil bit creepy?
okay, like this..
i aim to get A for addmath, AT LEAST once in my life.
it's not wrong to dream. people say so.
im possessing a very strong grudge against 'addmath-A1 students' since En.Roslee, himself
go bald when to mention about his 'half-drowned' students.
so guys, read this :
p/s : half-drowned here means weak students... as quoted by Sir Lee.
Friday, April 24, 2009
when shits happened.
somehow somewhere which i never would want to know.
i just cracked the HANDPHONE screen!
for life's sake, the screen is now enjoying it's new 'wallpaper'.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
sports day
i need it not. and hating it as much as no words can explain it.
it's going to be SOS Day instead, i swear.
clear enough, dear Mrs Principal.?
she's not linking me, does she?
no she didnt. sure..
that's not her to spend hours sticking her eyeballs on the screen, just for the sulaimanian's blogs.
heck no.
wuuuahh. what a sheer boredom i got here.
the oxygen in the body cant even flow well.
get me a funny monkey, please!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
very much owed a great dept of gratitude to the organizer of the **** camp.
as if all my homeworks for this week are left untouched.
and im now mentally & physically in prepared to take any consequences.
'THANK YOU' madam/sir. [wide grin with a deep bow]
syera was absent for today.YOU'RE SO LUCKY, woman!
i almost lost my head for the boiling hot place.
and for the tedious lecture, definitely yes.
owh, i gotta go for lunch.
Friday, April 17, 2009
ehem. pardon me. is it FRIDAY?
stayback-ed for the library stuff till 5...
no comment for that.i flatly turned down to be on duty for 5 days in row..
not bad though. today was pretty much amusing i guess.
silly-ing every seconds with sya and pemoh.
badly in need of rest because of that, mind you.
we did 'cutting' stuff ; 34-metres cloth into pieces and blablabla.
well, we cant really give our hands out with those complicated thing
because you know...our hands are just 'hands'.
differently goes to aiman's. gosh! he had the most incredible 'magic-touch' ever!
he made every complex things to look easy on his own.
that's all. tata!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
friends and friend
yes, very late and worn out.
it was only a slight drizzle, thunderless, throughout the day.
oh i just love it!
i went to see a friend of mine who'd been hospitalized since last saturday.
we had lunch beforehand.
together there were sya, myah, nanie, mosyi and alya.
omg. they are damn madly insane.
i cant stop laughing the ass off for those trashy jokes they did.
owh. by the way,
though he might not read this, but still
encik haiqal,
get well soon dude!
it was bad to see your bored face to look even more boring.
p/s : how cute little bro he got. keh3.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
oh ho hello!
im back!
nobody seems to have their sight on me, sure..
and i bet nobody even aware of me standing here.
but for your concern, i have been away for SUCH a long period, for God's sake!
-- disregard that retarded brat --
oh well people.
apparently the medulla oblongata is functioning well.
so, B E A R WI T H I T.
how can i take up this kind of interest to fall in love with......................b i o l o g y?
let me tell you, biology supposed to be fun enough if you're listening.
that's it.
mystery solved!
gotta go now.
more updates later on.
(watch out stupid internet. im holding the power. BWAHAHAHA!)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
who are you? like i care.
and yes, these kind of people is nobody than a waste of space.
if there's any chance that im to be blame for things that im totally clueless here, then sorry.
or maybe it is either way?
dont worry, i just bite human at times.
well, get back to your own life because you know,
deep resentment is just not good for your soul... =)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
with less energy...
the whole week that i've been away for was horribly exhausting.
so much things happened that made me felt bad for being myself.
we've been nagged by the teachers of each subjects basically for being lazy enough to do our homework and of course for our slow progression towards achieving what we supposed to.
as if the Principal said.
as today, Sambutan Maulidur Rasul. a new event and also a new experience.
for this event, Bestarians had gone through quite some experience.
but we surely did not owe any further explaination to anybody.
we perfectly knew what should be the matters and every pieces that happened behind the curtain, for real.
as we still held our hands tightly in each other, that's more than enough for me.
and why am i being so emo?
-signing off-
Saturday, March 21, 2009
you know what
while waiting for me at the school gate.
clear and sharp 7am.
oh what a wrong imagination i got here!
till next friday and saturday, GOODBYE world...
a bowling day with Razi. meet our former class monitor of 3bestari07, Mr. Razi. well, the boys called him Aji or Ogy instead.
yeah we're from planet earth!
Friday, March 20, 2009
yes, i need to focus.
okay. stay FOCUS, you spoiled brat!
no more internet till weekend.
watch me, dudes.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
it's so hard to change the template to any other blogskins.
i really can't work it on!
but you just made it sounded pretty easy, myah.
emotionally made me 'perasan' that i can do it all by myself.
i know. i should have asked you to help me on this, in the first place.
before that, im still looking for the skins though. haha.
i'll give to you my password later.
i really have no idea why am i being so outdated for not knowing all this.
no joke man, this is serious.
what if i have to do assignments ahead in my college life that needed me to master this kind of stuff?
i mean, different way lah.
you know.
im gonna crack my nerve at that moment.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
yes it's you, Mr. Soul Destroying Boredom.
so like you're not gonna vanish, huh?
those numbers are truly on their way preparing me upside down
since, like when?the sun is still pouring its light.
yea sort of.
mind you, im doing this 'undefined-error' which i never gonna solved it
by my own scatter brain.
the questions were giler susah nak mati, ok.
ohh. did i mentioned that it was addmaths?
yea yea you got that.
so, i end up wandering about here, in this planet.
no grounds for complaint for this second post of the day, people.
im not interested.
hate this? just bug off.
oh. tell you what.
we do Bestarians our own blog.
but it's still under repair, guess so.
lotsa out of the ordinary events ; behind the scenes.
so, make sure to check it out!
coming soon bebeh! =)
kiddies whine, i am.
getting sick at heart
yeah i do. as often as not.
i mean..
why is that time is ticking away so double-quick just like that?!
oh how i wish the time is remote-controlled.
so i can just simply paused it momentarily.
till im done eating up the giant plate of the homeworks-of-mine.
im not laying any blame to the teachers.
okay, maybe at times. when they put on too much.
but they ain't do that for nothing.
it would cost students benifits , sooner or later.
i do aware of that.
but sometimes, it's too exhausting.
yeah i know i know.
everybody goes through that.
no need to let out that stupid piercing shriek like you're the one.
derhh. it's too bad for you, sarah sabrina.
nobody seems to care about this silly tiny stuff.
Monday, March 16, 2009
(excluded nadirah. she couldn't make it) at mariana's place.
im soo darn missed them.
and as much as usual.
i always had my GREEN-EYES on them.
for their perfect life, heck yeah.
attractive gorgeous fair smart brilliant tall skinny long-leg nice hair etc etc.
it is a gift, surely. God blessed them.
aside from the fact that we haven't
set our eyes on each other for quite some time
we still made to live up the same so-called 'Gjays atmosphere'.
the laughs for those silly-ish crap,
the smiles for the sudden silence,
the randomness when gossiping,
the gone-wild imagination of ours.
that's just us.
i really miss those... back to our days of being young!
wrinkles, no......
and and and.
what supposed to be most highlighted matter here
is that, they still who they are.
and im so much thankful for that!
Friday, March 13, 2009
sick note
oh. cant wait to meet around with those awesome Gjays!
i read this somewhere. dimly remembered where.
but it does attracts my eyeballs.
he said that :
studying - the word which originates from a combination of words 'study' and 'dying'.
somehow it does make sense.
let me tell you.
it's all about common symptoms of being SPM-ers.
like my tuition classes.
im saying no.
rather, the feeling turned contrast.
the thought of i might be lost the chance of attending for the next time
keep knocking my mind.
as if the 'death shadow' is waiting for me at the corner.
in other sense, i have to study for at least before the eyes shut and
the heart is no longer in able to pump any oxygen.
for saying that i HAD the symptoms.
shit, im freak out!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
a piece of luck
definitely for the fact that we got great marks for the oral test. (boastfully hold the head up)
thank you Pn. Rabaah!
and Alhamdulillah...
oh well.
who on earth wouldn't feel that way if they really got what they desire's for.
tell me then. i wanna share my love with her/him/them.
we discussed on a topic 'Friend'.
wait, it's not that simple as the spelling.
we almost drained out for it.
conclusion -spontaneous is just not for me.
we started off a bit...calm.
short while, we were like frozed up as her eyeballs about close to tears.
she's sooo cool to share her bestfriends' stories with us.
she said that we chose the right topic that it really touched her deep inside.
her stories were out of this world!
questions that we'd prepared beforehand (in case the 'sudden silent' is about to occur)
were all naturally answered in those stories.
the conversation were carried on until the time was up.
ahh! what an amazing talk!
p/s : to pemoh and myah. good job guys. high 5! *wide grin*
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
good night owl
the night is still young, could it be.
badly exhausted.
the eyes are just on the verge of shutting.
in need to finish watching 1 more episode of BOF like mad.
plus the untouched homeworkSSS ; incomplete presentation stuff - i lost some slides! noo..
so do, the oral test tomorrow.
at this point, im so....DEAD.
Monday, March 9, 2009
45th Baeksang Arts Awards
today i woke up late.
to blame yesterdays' PJ well yeah.
my whole parts of body including my muscle tissues (if that's what make up the situation here)
are grieving with pain!
seriously, im barely carrying my own hands.
ahh. it hurts. even now.
that's what you get for not warming up.
serve you right dude!
btw, im just having this kind
like im thinking of something.
yes, i think.
somehow i cant really figure out what am i thinking.
instead, im trying to think what actually the 'think'.
bak kata Pn. Rabaah - do you get me or not?
it's no joke man.
im not telling you 'tounge twisters' or anything.
but it's just happened most of the times, i would say.
i'll find a way for this.
maybe till the next theory-of-mine to pop out.
cake and candles
it's tooooo bad that today is a day-off.
Hatim Khadijah, a crazy fan of Lee Min Hoo (Boys Over Flowers).
all she sees in her eyes is just LMH.
i was like paralysed with fear whenever she made her 'dirty' sparkling-eyes
as the name of LMH flows over her words.
she'd gone crazy enough to regain consciousness.
wait for more stories about the 'celebration'!
tomorrow, i guess. =D
p/s : atim is the one whose not wearing glasses, you might ask.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
apparently, i did posting like everyday, was i?
no big deal man..
it's just that i couldn't get myself to put a fullstop
whenever my fingers begin to dance on the keyboard letters.
though sometimes i found myself to be lost and clueless
of what the heck with all those bunch of crap.
talked about worse.
it came naturally into the same situation whenever the mouth starts opening.
talk talk and talk, there i go.
till silence kills the subject.
but the mind never fail to conduct rough-search for a new topic.
how bad is that?
well then, we're blessed with numerous parts of body.
we must consider how best we could utilize what we have.
that's the reason you might don't know.
or perhaps flatly refused of knowing.
flexing muscles
today got PJ.
something which i look forward to, at times.
our PJ teacher aka our form teacher aka Kak Sya.
that's how we generally pronounced her.
see, how spoiled Bestarians were. +P
oh. back to the story.
she brought us to the school gym!
whoa! we were all like brightly-large-eyes-unexpecting face.
no sun burning and all.
we almost tried everything as if we just want to.
like girls' uncontrolled wildness spreading over the gym.
well yeah. it was exciting, indeed!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
menyusun kata
saya akan berbicara menggunakan
bahasa ibunda saya yang tercinta iaitu Bahasa Melayu.
di saat ini,
dapat saya rasakan lubang hidung saya yang sedia ada besar ini semakin mengembang
dek kerana haruman kebanggan yang semakin menusuk ceruk-ceruk dalaman hidung saya.
oh.. pastinya tidak lain lagi tidak bukan kerana kerja rumah yang dititipkan
oleh Pn Zunaidah telah berjaya saya siapkan beberapa minit yang lalu.
ingin saya nyatakan di sini bahawa beliau telah mewasiatkan kami
2 buah karangan berhantu yang perlu disiapkan dalam tempoh 4 hari.
kedengaran lama bukan?
tetapi lain situasinya jika anda berada di atmosfera saya ketika ini.
terhegeh-hegeh ke sana sini mengejar masa yang tidak terkejar.
masakan masa dapat dikejar.
dilihat pun juga mustahil.
namun begitulah fitrahnya hidup bersama masa.
saban hari semakin banyak pendapat yang saya utarakan tentang masa.
maafkan saya jika perkara itu mengusutkan lagi
rongga-rongga blog saya yang sememangnya kusam lagi usang ini.
sesungguhnya ini blog saya.
saya mempunyai hak sebagai pengguna bijak.
serta saya bukanlah pelajar sekolah yang hangat diperkatakan dalam media massa
kerana saya tidak berminat menyertai sebarang pertandingan realiti seperti
Bintang Klasik Nasional mahupun Bintang RTM.
membelek buku pun payah apatah lagi terkinja-kinja
melontarkan vokal yang kurang lemak merdunya
di hadapan lautan manusia asing.
oh tidak.
mungkin saya perlu diberi suntikan kaunseling
jika suatu hari nanti terpampang di dada akhbar,
saya berdoa supaya tidaklah sedemikian
bermulanya kerjaya pertama saya.
sekian sahaja bebelan saya.
saya ingin ke meja makan untuk mengisi perut yang semakin rancak berkeroncong ini.
cheers to poltergeist bebeh! =)
Friday, March 6, 2009
3 hours later
there's a whole lot of non-fiction B O O K S awaiting for me.
it is a fairy tale own by Sarah Sabrina
p/s : dont worry, im still undergoing my respiration. either way, gasping. perhaps..
i hate those words.
but then, it's Friday again.
no offence.
i haven't complete any of my last-week-homeworks.
and they keep piling up neatly as the days passed by.
like the world is coming to an end tomorrow.
and now.
all i can do is having a pathetic glance on those mountainous books.
and not to be bothered, the due date is in a couple of days.
oh mommy... how brutal life is. T.T
the exhaustion is actually comes to its limit and kills me slowly.
thus, somebody please send off my beloved yi jeong-sunbae
all the way from Republic of South Korea.
so that i wont do any harmful action like....
commiting suicide?
hekhekhek. +P
Thursday, March 5, 2009
cake and candles
we planned to serve her 'kaw2 punye' on her birthday.
but it was a state-day-off.
just a simple wish for her through the air particles.
as she didnt bring the handphone together with her. (she stayed at the school hostel)
it's not that our school forbid the existance of any small creature named CELL PHONE.
but it's her to option for that.
isnt it.........kelakar?
oh siti akilah..siti akilah..
but dont worry my dear. there's always tomorrow.
on Thursday.
after Solat Hajat, we planned to sing for her in the public.
i mean at the corridor so that she would blush or something.
but it's KILAH by the way.
rushed here and there.
so stubborn!
we had none to choose.
eventually, we DRAG her into her class.
and the lyrics flew.
and yes! she BLUSHED.
err. a bit. but it's enough then.
mission accomplished!
i guess, wouldnt it be better if the whole block plus the canteen's makcik-makcik sang along?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
e . o . f
here are the list of gamess that we played for the whole sweltering evening :
1. find your group members - not bad as a start.
2. melt the ice - melt the giant ice square using our hands without dropping it down. giler sejuk! owh btw, purple won!
3. exchange partner - we sat in a big round circle. a person would be asked whether is he/she likes his/her neighbours and if the answer was NO, then the neighbours would exchange their place as fast as they can so that the asking person wont snatched the place off.
4. what...ha..? - this game was the most hilarious amongst all! im not telling how the rules are bcos it were tricky to explain neither by words. so, i enjoyed it more than enough. HAHA.
5. poisonous banana - i hate the game! first we have to take thefresh banana coated with flour and coffee powder using our mouth. then, pealed it using our mouth again. after that, dip into the *&%$#@ solution and eat it. YUMM! finger licking good!
6. country dance - walk ahead and say out loud a country's name while doing some dance movement. me dancing? well, you tell me...
7. chicken game - a name would be called out and the rest must run to chase that lucky 'chicken' and make some sort of line like a train la..whoever person at the behind would be given a 'present'.
'present' time.
Friday, February 27, 2009
yes, it means weekend!
well, yeah. not that somehow a big deal.
but i just love it!
i did a random visit to others' blog just now.
WOW they were all well worth a visit.
and OBVIOUSLY, mine was crummy.
school and my dreary life yet again.
how i wish..
well, it's my blog after all.
dont flick through if you dont want to.
who cares.
owh, this evening will be the EOF (evening of friendship?).
my very first activity after being part of the society.
well, i just hate that they changed the name LCDS to ELS.
it sounds horribly odd.
like something to do with Electronic brand.
but it's not me to argue about it.
let's just hope everything is way better than the name itself.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
the thunderous sounds made by the 'Bestarians' , head-cracking homeworks ,
nodding off to sleep while Bio class and
played childish when experimenting Chemistry stuff.
everything was just as fine as bad.
today, another stayback-ing.
seems that i did stayback-ing like alot these days.
oh well, I HAD TO.
gotta finish off those desk-full homeworks.
joined the Journalism Media Club meeting.
and then lepak-ing.
we were laughing hysterically for those cranky jokes.
and my belly hurts because of that over-laugh.
that's all for today. im off to finish up The Pearl presentation.
derh.. =(
Monday, February 23, 2009
i've plenty to say right now but i guess my memories would
instantly ran away in the middle post.
oh's ME, by the way.
today, im on duty.
oh, take note that im now officially procounced as a librarian!
except for my white-uniform.
talk about discipline.
to be librarian is not that cushy for that lotsa work to do.
contrasting all my thoughts.
wait! i ain't giving up.
im just....realising. that's all.
had a fun chat with syeera while brief-reading Reader's Digest.
what a source of information, after all. haha!
homeworks homeworks homeworks.
get off from my way, please!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
elder brother
he's determined to make success in everything he does, mainly in academic.
he did proved it yet again.
that's why mama oftenly invite comparison with my hopeless values.
well, not to blame her.
it is mother who hold the ever-lasting pray for us to step forward each day.
i believe so. =)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
cake and candles
she had an awful lot of nutnames. Jessica Alba, Abg Farid Duda Berhias, HG, Faridah Senai Airport etc.
once she opened her mouth, you will get your brain in mess. that is truly non-pirated Faridah Hanim Abu Bakar.
as today, a big round lollipop fully contaminated by the saliva of mine is specially for her.hoped she did enjoy it.
an early-morning birthday song as if we realized for that her heart is pumping at top speed at the thought of 'today'.but, she made to stay cool. yeah, LONG LIVE HG!
'you empty'
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
the ALBA
but today was so-so.
in contrast, yesterdays' was awesome!
we were talking about school's what-to-be-the-matter issues..
well, not to mention here.
because....i wont!
these days, i found myself to face a massive overdose of energy supply during the day.
as a result, im likely being shot dead at night and hardly to be awaken in the next day.
i think it is all conditions??
too much vitamin E absorbed is just not good.
p/s : im spreading lots of 'ong' to Jessica-Alba-wannabe for the tommorow's election! can you smell it Jessy? =P
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
e-mail lalu!
none other than my dearest fussy MYAH.
i can still hear your howl with laughter for my web address.
since the blog is now open for public to draw any critisism,
i would like to have an intro on a STERN WARNING that,
this blog has nothing but my grumbling notes.
i shall say that, im still under-age (kononnye..)
your consideration is crucial in critisising.
im soft-hearted and easily touched!
muahahahahahahaha! +D
Monday, February 16, 2009
pak din
where the h*ll were you just now?!!
you should. no, you HAVE to pick us up at 4.30. or at least 5......
but i didn't see any bright yellowish 'school bus' of yours passed by
for the entire HOURS of thirst and sweat.
my brain is bursting out!!
that's all, thank you.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
first and foremost..
the post had been in the draft since forever.
HAHAHA! sorry bebeh..
check out at the previous post of january.
and get your sneezy face there. bweekk! +P
cake and candles
the picture says it all. again, PORANDHANAAL VAZHTHIKAL DAYAH!!
it's too bad that we had an assembly this morning - soul destroying as usual.
Friday, February 13, 2009
to be alive
sure, people's perspective are broad.
mine would be as simple as this phrase :
people curse life as they in pain,
and people forget life as they gain,
but life, is forever there to accept us the way we are.
therefore, i want to appreciate life more from now onwards.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
there you go 2009.
you made it well !
everybody is muttering on you for the hectic kick off.
i must say, not only me to be officially to complaint every and each seconds
instead, millions of them!
though it appears radically different matters but time does prove it all.
nevertheless, time is interminable.
our journey still have a long way to go.
so, lift up you spirit and move on, sarah sabrina!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
fork and bowl
doesn't it sounds cool when you spell out laugh as an intro?
oh comm'on, sarah. just cut out the crap. haha.
owh. school. just fine.
except for the marks - addmath.
erhh. it's SERIOUSLY nasty.
my deepest apology, sir! T.T
about the title..i feel like eating noodles! oh, how im dying in hunger....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
and hello regrets.....
uhh., it's commonly rare for me to not to have regrets.
commiting mistakes are all about to gain lessons.
well.. that's life, i shall say.
(scene 1 - exam is over)
mum : it wasn't MISTAKE. you ask for it.
dad : there's always next time..
(scene 2 - result day)
mum : it's okay lah..
Monday, February 9, 2009
try this!
me + exam = -.-
here's some handy tips for an exploding head with blank exam papers :
1. one more thorough reading , just in case.
2. blankness? be poise, say goodbye.
3. self motivate - you wont die for the marks..
4. have a delightful sleep on the desk!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
and i failed it.
half-bald shiny head with those ***** glasses and remarkable blue motorbyke.
not to blow the name here.
well know who.
the story begins - he's wicked.
expressing doubt sarcastically.
he just couldn't be more....considerate?!
sure, i admit for the lousy play.
but I TRIED! for at least.
maybe i should get him new glasses for the upcoming teacher's day. O.O
Saturday, February 7, 2009
thank you
btw, i just recall what was happened yesterday. ahh. my memory-chip is getting rusty. as always.
my piano teacher seems not in the mood for a moment. sure, preety trembling. she just kept silent and give me pages of theory activity. Thanks God it didnt last long. BUT then, before i went back i got CNY Angpaus from her! and Teacher Wee also! muahaha! my eyes turned huge round to get myself informed that teacher is actually married! wow.
later on i found my head bumped into wild imagination of how do the husband's.....look? haha. don't blame me. she's so young and beautiful as well! anyways, thank you for the lovely angpaus ladies! =)
gotta get myself buried in addmath afterwards. derhh..
p/s : ignore the previous post. you say it. a boring girl, in the dead of night..being blank and random as she's always be at anytime anywhere. haha.
Friday, February 6, 2009
What is so special about you is your you
its just that im too boring plus toooo lazy for a revision right now.
arghh! when would all this come to an end. i mean a REAL end.
walala. silly talk again. >.<
about the title. haha. i watched High 5 this morning. it's a song's lyric actually. nothing...they just cant get away from my head. ^^
i felt a serious tire-ness with EVERYTHING throughout the week. well, it's not that i did many things. but it turned out like that. and im tired! this is the whole tiring stuff i did. or should it be i had to do?
haha. whatever. just have a glance onto them :
Sunday - TOV started. at last. yea, im expecting that but not now! thanks God it was BM papers + EST. not much alphabets to hurt those pity eyes. >.<
Monday - English + HISTORY paper. i hate history as always. and it will always be. how can people memorized all those peristiwa and who did this and that.. for hundred pages? arh! well, i guess. people does. pemoh my present classpartner, for instance. and also my ex-mate , mariana. derh. i thought their memory-chip supposed to have wider space, perhaps? haha.
Tuesday - ModMath + Pai + Fz. i would say...'enjoy'! dont want to talk about it cos you know, me and exam...we're NEVER meant to be with.
oh btw, that evening they had badminton practice. i didnt show up at the first tournament last 2 weeks because of that silly sick - sorethroat. but i do 'gatal nak ikot' in case they need extra players. muahaha.
so i just went there with the Puteri Islam Uniform. derhh! nobody's informed about the practice neither my friends, who are originally selected in the tournament.
i swear, it's a BIG humiliation. people keep staring at those pinky thick attire. oh gosh. i sweat BADLY. and my shoulders ached! conclusion - i need TO exercise. haha. +P
Wednesday - History (again..) + EST + Mod Math. blablabla..and the Physics class that night. i just try myself to had fun since i only have boy friends during all my tuition classes. there are actually the girls, but only in certain classes. well well.., the boys are not bad. they have their own good too. haha. and they helped me a lot! +)
Thursday -Pai + Fz2 + Fz3. exam is not gonna work for me huh? oh yea, today is mum's birthday! haha. only a simple wishes from us. cos dad's coming home late. load of works, of cos. and we're planning a dinner few days later, i hope. hold on mum! xD
Addmath class last night. err. as usual. i sat with those boys. who cares!
oh btw, there's a big fight between two girls of my class. i dont really know what is exactly to be the matter but i'll find out later. muahahaha! it's fun though. *evil laugh*
Friday - im here! appreciating my PC moments with all those craps above. haha. i have piano class within 2 hours from now. and tonight there will be Essay&Writing class. arhh! im too busy to finish up my essay homework. i mean busy in laziness.
conclusion - Principal! i need rest.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
cake and candles
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
sweaty + smelly = healthy
p/s : tun2 was late! so the '+1' would be the punnishment. haha! joking dear. it was good that you still made it. =)
limited edition. for more info call 999. +P
oh. there you are tun2! =D