Thursday, March 5, 2009

cake and candles

4 March
sweet seventeen


we planned to serve her 'kaw2 punye' on her birthday.
but it was a state-day-off.

just a simple wish for her through the air particles.
as she didnt bring the handphone together with her. (she stayed at the school hostel)
it's not that our school forbid the existance of any small creature named CELL PHONE.
but it's her to option for that.
isnt it.........kelakar?
oh siti akilah..siti akilah..

but dont worry my dear. there's always tomorrow.
on Thursday.
after Solat Hajat, we planned to sing for her in the public.
i mean at the corridor so that she would blush or something.
but it's KILAH by the way.
rushed here and there.
so stubborn!

we had none to choose.
eventually, we DRAG her into her class.
and the lyrics flew.
and yes! she BLUSHED.
err. a bit. but it's enough then.

mission accomplished!

i guess, wouldnt it be better if the whole block plus the canteen's makcik-makcik sang along?


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