Thursday, January 15, 2009


as usual, its a late wish - HAPPY NEW YEAR!! and and and. Happy Blissful Seventeenth to me too! muahaha. +PP

woah. 2008 is like flew by the wind yet im still in the sixteen mood! waa. getting older with SPM waiting up at the end of the journey. argh! all this stuff... are sucks! instead of drowning in tons of homeworks each day, im still playing around and have a good sleep and meals too. haha. *bad*
well, time will change us. i hope. =)

yeah! the blog is now as rusty as it is before. being neglected like it is owned by nobody.haha. okay okay. today, i'll write a few post before i vanish away from my dear internet. oh..that hurts. T.T

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